Your responses to the events of life are more important than the events themselves

Virginia Satir

My name is Birgitta Bechtold and I am a People and Leadership coach, Group and Team facilitator, People and Culture strategist.
I help leaders and teams to improve communication, develop leadership skills and build strong relationships.

I accompany individuals in career and life changes.


Tools & methods

Over 15 years of experience in HR and coaching has allowed me to assemble and test a large and diverse range of methods and tools which I deploy selectively – ensuring the right match to your particular situation. Each situation calls for the appropriate tools and methods.

About me

I am a senior expert in coaching, people and culture, organizational change and leadership development. I have +20 years experience in international corporations and EU-related organizations and 5 years as a self-employed coach, facilitator and consultant. My focus is on people’s well-being, self efficacy, motivation, performance, self-empowerment, and on organisational and team culture.

Birgitta Bechtold

Professional training

  • Somatic coach, Institute for somatic training – Zurich (CH)
  • Facilitator in group intelligence, Académie en Intelligence collective, CFIP (Bruxelles)
  • Neuroscience and Leadership, Formation CFIP (Bruxelles)
  • Communication psychology for teams and organisations – F. Schulz von Thun Institute (D)
  • Professional Master in human resources and counselling – Université Paris VIII (F)
  • Systemic organizational consultant, ISB – Wiesloch-Munich (D)
  • Systemic business constellations, WISL Institute – Wiesloch (D)
  • Business coach, IFS – Essen (D)
  • Trainer in Crucial Conversations  – Vital Smarts – London (GB)

What people say

Birgitta is a resourceful coach, thoughtful, compassionate and always agile to offer a new path. She understands the business environment well and realistically assesses what options are effective and fit for purpose. Whenever I was pessimistic about my level of influence Birgitta found the lever of positive energy and encouraged me to take the next safe-enough step in my personal growth.

Birgitta’s sehr gelungene Ausgewogenheit, mich empathisch zu begleiten und gleichzeitig dabei auch herauszufordern und mir zuzutrauen notwendige Veränderungsschritte zu gehen, hat mich in vielen Situationen große Stücke weitergebracht.

Birgitta a le talent rare de savoir combiner l’intelligence collective et la prise en compte de l’individu dans toute sa singularité. Birgitta a une grande expérience des relations humaines à l’International et a conduit des projets de transformation à forts enjeux. Elle en a conservé l’humilité et la modestie qui lui permettent d’avancer en permanence sur le chemin de l’excellence.

J’ai eu la chance de rencontrer Birgitta lors de supervisions collectives organisées pour des accompagnateurs de carrière. Que ce soit lors de la préparation des séances ou lors des séances même, Birgitta s’est montrée très flexible et à l’écoute des besoins de chacun. Son approche professionnelle, basée sur une expérience solide du monde organisationnel et des relations humaines font de Birgitta un partenaire de choix dans l’accompagnement des personnes. Birgitta aborde la supervision avec bienveillance, ce qui a le don de mettre tous les participants à l’aise et en confiance. Je collaborerais de nouveau avec grand plaisir avec Birgitta.

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I am working as an independent coach and consultant, and engage in several networks and partnerships. For me collaboration, collective intelligence and diversity are the keys to success.

Let’s get in touch

+32 499 528 732‬

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